
Dnestr near Otaci and Calaraseuca, Moldova by Zserghei

5th Meeting of the EaP GREEN Steering Committee

Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Regional, Ukraine (all)

Topic: Other

Held in Brussels, Belgium, the key objectives of the 5th Steering Committee meeting were to:

  • Review progress since the previous Steering Committee held in June 2015 and progress towards reaching the objectives of the EaP GREEN project;
  • Discuss the results of the EaP GREEN Result Oriented Monitoring carried out by an independent consultant for the European Union;
  • Discuss and agree on specific activities that will be carried out under the three Components of the EaP GREEN until the end of the project in December 2016;
  • Identify key outputs of the project, including country and regional activities, and the means for their dissemination.

Presentations were provided under the following Meeting Agenda items: 

  • Result-Oriented Monitoring of the EaP GREEN project (ROM)
  • Progress in the project implementation since the last Steering Committee (June 2015): outputs and results achieved at the regional level
  • Countries' presentations on progress made, lessons learnt and plans for 2016 
  • Review of progress and next actions on communications and visibility
  • Key final outputs of the project, including country and regional activities

The Summary Record outlining the conclusions and key findings of the meeting is now available.

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