Sustainable consumption and production

Sustainable consumption and production (SCP) policies require a holistic approach including co-ordination and consolidated decision-making in relevant economic areas. EaP GREEN objectives are: promoting the integration of resource efficiency and SCP policies into national economic and development planning processes; developing and implementing national SCP programmes or action plans; and demonstrating the environmental, economic and social benefits of SCP practices. 

Odessa port, Ukraine
by Olena Buyskykh |

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Economy Strategy in Georgia + More

Georgia (UNEP)

New UNEP report shows SCP policies are emerging in Eastern Europe and the Caucasus + More

Regional (UNEP)

Republic of Moldova: new report shows green economy policies trump business-as-usual + More

Moldova (UNEP)

Expert Meeting on Promoting Better Environmental Performance of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs), Kiev, Ukraine + More

Ukraine (UNEP)

Project Leader

  • Programme Officer
    UN Environment Regional Office for Europe
    For more information contact:
    +41 229 178 504