A set of projects - regional or national with regional value or replication potential - are intended to demonstrate the benefits of the policy work implemented under Components 1 and 2. These projects are identified in co-operation with partner countries and are deployed ahead of the introduction of a specific policy or policy instrument, on a sectoral basis or with a more specific territorial focus. Proposed sectors are: manufacturing, agriculture, food production and processing, and construction. The projects are led mainly by UNIDO and UN Environment. They target both the demand and supply side of production and include actions for stimulating public and private consumer demand. They include:
Resource efficiency and cleaner production (UNIDO)
UNIDO has supported resource efficient and cleaner production (RECP) initiatives in the EaP region since 2007. Current activities and demonstration projects should accelerate and expand the application of RECP at national and regional levels, particularly in sectors such as agri-food processing, and production of chemical and construction materials.
Sustainable public procurement (UN Environment)
Demonstration and capacity-building activities for promoting sustainable public procurement in EaP countries reinforce the UNEP’s policy work in this area conducted under the programme’s first component on governance and finance.
Promoting organic agriculture (UN Environment)
To further harness opportunities related to organic agriculture, UN Environment assists EaP countries in strengthening their agri-food supply chains, and in increasing the production and trade of organic agricultural products.