Creating market incentives for greener products

Well-designed taxes can foster the use of less environmentally harmful products while also generating revenue for the public budget. However, economic instruments should primarily be used with a view to enhancing environmental effectiveness, and not only for revenue-raising. EaP GREEN objectives include: preparing a policy manual on the design of product-related economic instruments that provide incentives for reducing pollution and introducing greener products; conducting pilot projects to design or reform such instruments for the environmental management of products; and delivering national-level capacity-building workshops to discuss and disseminate policy recommendations.

Odessa port, Ukraine
by Olena Buyskykh |

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National stakeholder dialogue workshop: Economic instruments for managing environmentally harmful products in Azerbaijan + More

Azerbaijan (OECD)

Regional workshops in 2015 + More

Regional (OECD)

Regional expert meeting: Economic instruments for greener products in Eastern Partnership countries - 6-7 March 2014, Paris + More

(all partners)

Regional expert meeting “Economic instruments for greener products in Eastern Partnership countries”, Paris, France + More

Regional (all partners)

Project Leader

  • Eugene MAZUR
  • Economist/Policy Analyst
    Green Growth and Global Relations Division
    OECD Environment Directorate
    For more information contact: 
    +33 1 45 24 82 00