Environmental impact assessment

Strategic environmental assessments (SEAs) and environmental impact assessments (EIAs) effectively promote sustainable development by integrating green economy targets into strategic and project-related decision-making. Objectives under EaP GREEN are: conducting legislative reviews of SEA and EIA including legal drafting to promote the integration of SEA and EIA systems into national frameworks; delivering training workshops on the practical application of SEA/EIA procedures; and strengthening the administrative capacities of authorities in charge of environmental assessments.


Odessa port, Ukraine
by Olena Buyskykh | Dreamstime.com

Upcoming events

Recent events

Final EaP GREEN regional event on SEA/EIA + More

Regional (UNECE)

Sub-regional conference to exchange experience in drafting SEA and EIA legislation and bylaws + More

Georgia, Regional (UNECE)

Media tour to promote EIA and SEA law in Georgia + More

Georgia (UNECE)

Public hearing on the second draft law on EIA and SEA in Georgia + More

Georgia (UNECE)

Practical steps of the ratification of the Protocol on Strategic Environmental Assessment of the Espoo Convention + More

Moldova, Regional (UNECE)

National round-table meeting and public hearing on the first draft law on EIA and SEA in Georgia + More

Georgia (UNECE)

Training workshop: Practical application of the SEA in the alternative and renewable energy sector in line with the draft law on EIA + More

Azerbaijan (UNECE)

Round-table to discuss amendments to the law of the Republic of Belarus on Strategic Environmental Expertiza + More

Belarus (UNECE)

Project Leader

Martin Smutny
  • Martin SMUTNY
  • Project Officer
    Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context (EIA)
    UNECE Environment Division

     For more information contact:
    +41 22 917 41 73