
Dnestr near Otaci and Calaraseuca, Moldova by Zserghei

EaP GREEN National Conference on Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production (RECP) in the Republic of Moldova

Moldova (UNIDO)

Topic: Resource efficient and cleaner production

On 2 February, 2017 in Chisinau More than 100 participants gathered at the EaP GREEN National Conference on Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production (RECP) in the Republic of Moldova to review progress in promoting the RECP in the Moldovan enterprises. The review showed  that first set of feasible and low cost RECP measures supported by UNIDO as part of the EaP GREEN project helped the enterprises from food processing, chemicals and construction materials sectors to save EUR 1.45 million per year, to reduce emissions and decrease material intensity of their operations. The Conference participants concluded that the results achieved so far are the very first steps to bringing much bigger benefits, while noting that further efforts are needed to build on successful initiatives. Regional RECP Clubs in Orhei, and Balti actively promoted and supported by the Mayor’s Offices serve as the best examples of RECP replication, scaling up and dissemination activities in Moldova. More details are available at

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