Environmental assessment

Yerevan city, Armenia by Ruzanna Aruttyunyan | Dreamstime

The second component of EaP GREEN is centred fully on integrating green economy targets into strategic planning and project-related decision-making.  Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) and Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) are procedures which ensure that the environmental implications of decisions are taken into account before decisions are made. UNECE is supporting EaP countries in developing and applying SEA legislation and related systems in accordance with the Protocol on SEA (and the EU SEA Directive). The UNECE is also assisting partner countries in improving current practices as well as legal and institutional frameworks on EIA in compliance with the Espoo Convention (and the EU EIA Directive).

 Projects carried out by the UNECE under this component are:

  • Revision of the existing national regulatory and legislative frameworks; 
  • Capacity building on SEA/EIA procedures, following good practices including those in the EU;
  • Strengthening the administrative capacities of the authorities in charge of the environmental assessments. 


Ratification of the Espoo Convention and the SEA Protocol in EaP countries

For more information on the Espoo convention and the SEA Protocol in EaP countries, visit: http://www.unece.org/env/eia/about/eap_green.html