
Dnestr near Otaci and Calaraseuca, Moldova by Zserghei

Fourth EaP GREEN Steering Committee meeting

Regional (all)

Topic: Promotion of organic food and agriculture

Annual Steering Committee meetings bring together the National Focal Points from the EaP country Ministries of the Environment and Ministries of the Economy, the representatives of the European Commission and of the four EaP GREEN implementing partners. The key objective of the 4th Steering Committee meeting was to review progress with the implementation of the components of the project since the last meeting on 8 October 2014 (Minsk, Belarus), discuss achievements and challenges in project implementation and agree on a work plan until the end of 2015 and the outlook for activities to be carried out in 2016. 

The 2015 meeting focused on organic agriculture, a component led by UNEP, which was identified as providing a significant opportunity to stimulate green economic growth. 

Meeting documents:

Summary Record


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