
Dnestr near Otaci and Calaraseuca, Moldova by Zserghei

A workshop on green growth indicators in Armenia organised jointly by the OECD and the OSCE

Armenia (OECD)

Topic: Green growth indicators

Methodologies for measuring transformation to green economy in Armenia were presented at a workshop jointly organised in Yerevan by the OECD and the OSCE, as part of the OSCE project on supporting the host country’s transition to a sustainable market economy and securing economic stability, and as part of the EaP GREEN project funded by the European Union.

The meeting, which gathered representatives from the Ministries of Economy and of Nature Protection, the National Statistical Service as well as civil society, academia, local and international experts, discussed how to identify national green growth indicators and develop a report assessing the country’s progress towards green growth.

Krzysztof Michalak, Senior Programme Manager at OECD’s Environment Directorate, encouraged Armenia to join over 20 countries that have already used the OECD measurement framework.

Presentations by experts from the Slovak Republic and Ukraine, shared their experience with GGIs with discussions on establishing a working group to develop green growth indicators in Armenia.

Armenia GGI workshop agenda




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