
Dnestr near Otaci and Calaraseuca, Moldova by Zserghei

Practical steps of the ratification of the Protocol on Strategic Environmental Assessment of the Espoo Convention

Moldova, Regional (UNECE)

Topic: Environmental impact assessment, Strategic environmental assessment

This high-level round table discussion will focus on the role of the sectoral and local authorities in the strategic environmental assessment (SEA) system, as well as key challenges for establishing national SEA systems in the Republic of Moldova and other EaP countries. Participants will learn about the experience gained by EU countries on the practical application of the UNECE Protocol on SEA and the EU SEA Directive in various economic sectors. They will increase their knowledge on SEA as a tool for improving sectoral planning and promoting sustainable development principles and will discuss the role of different sectoral ministries and authorities in the SEA process. Moldova will present its experience in drafting and promoting the SEA legislation, and the implementation of the first ever pilot SEA for the Master Plan of the Orhei Town. The meeting is organized by the Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Moldova, together with the UNECE. 

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