
Dnestr near Otaci and Calaraseuca, Moldova by Zserghei

5th International Conference on the Organic Sector Development in Central/Eastern European and Central Asian countries

Regional (UNEP)

Topic: Promotion of organic food and agriculture

The 5th International Conference on the Organic Sector Development in Central/Eastern European and Central Asian countries is held on 16-17 April 2015 in Kiev, Ukraine and is organized under the auspices of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food and the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Ukraine. The EaP Green project is a main contributor to this conference offering stakeholders from the region a platform to discuss and share experiences in organic products safety and quality assurance along the product chain from the point of view of producers, processors and certifiers. A specific break-out session on Organic Agriculture and Green Economy will include topics ranging from strategies of organic market development, to organic agriculture as a tool for greening the economy and organic legislation development in the region. 

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